CDS Participants Recognized for Volunteer Service

August 2023
Congratulations to the participants in our Hagerstown Community Development Services (CDS) program who were recently recognized by The Salvation Army for their volunteer service. Beginning last November, CDS participants have volunteered up to two times a week at The Salvation Army’s food pantry in Hagerstown. Volunteers help with a variety of essential tasks, from sorting donations in the warehouse to passing out donuts to guests in the cafeteria.
“Volunteering is very important to me, and I really like the people I meet,” says CDS participant Cristal Hall. “I usually wash the trashes and wipe down the tables.”
CDS participant Billy French enjoys organizing the canned goods and placing them into crates. He says “It’s fun volunteering with my friends.”
CDS participants Mark Price says, “It feels good to be able to help other people.” He knows the warehouse so well he can easily find any item someone might request.
Thank you to all our CDS participants who have been volunteering their time and making a difference in our community.