Unified Community Connections is committed to helping people with disabilities choose, find and keep jobs they like by uniting them with occupations that fit their individual personalities and skills. Gainful employment is a vital step to achieving independence. Employment Services, including on-the-job training, are provided at places of employment throughout Washington County.

Meaningful Employment
We work with employers such as Giant Supermarket and Target to give individuals opportunities for meaningful employment. We are especially committed to working with transitioning youth as they embark upon their careers. We strive to ensure that each individual has career choices and opportunities.
Securing and Maintaining Employment
Our staff conduct vocational assessments to help individuals define their strengths and areas of interest. We provide supports and assistance with job readiness and selection, job applications, resumes and interviewing for both paid and volunteer positions within the community. We also assist with accessing transportation to and from places of employment. Our goal is to provide appropriate levels of support to all individuals receiving this service to ensure they thrive in the workplace.